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Recognition Award Information

Annually, the American Trauma Society, PA Division (ATSPA) recognizes individuals or organizations carrying out the mission of trauma prevention in Pennsylvania. ATSPA is pleased to announce the nomination period will open Wednesday, November 8! Awardees will be honored at our 2024 ATSPA Annual Conference. This conference will be held April 23 and 24, 2024, at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, in Lancaster.  If you are planning to submit a nomination, please review the guidelines below. These guidelines may be subject to change and you should always carefully review any updated nomination guidelines in the future.


Barbara Esposito Excellence in Trauma Nursing Award:

Barbara Esposito, one of the founding members of the Delaware Valley Trauma Nurse Consortium (D.V.T.N.C.), passed away in 2005.  In recognition of her years of leadership and commitment to excellence, the D.V.T.N.C. elected to honor her by awarding a scholarship award, in her name, to a trauma staff nurse who has displayed excellence in any one of the following areas: clinical expertise, leadership, research, education, prevention, outreach and patient advocacy. This scholarship is now administered by the Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society (ATSPA). 

Click here for full award information.

2024 ATSPA Civilian Savior and Survivor Award:

Due to the unique challenges presented to all parties involved in adapting to, overcoming, and achieving meaningful survival under gravely austere and dangerous conditions, the Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society has elected to honor a civilian “Savior” and/or “Survivor” with the 2024 ATSPA Civilian Savior and Survivor Award.  This award will honor one who takes it upon him/herself to offer a helping hand to a fellow citizen during a period of adversity or personal danger, and/or one who withstands peril and dangerous conditions and demonstrates a determined will to survive. 

Click here for full award information.

Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr. Physician Award for the Commitment to Excellence in Trauma Care:

“Philanthropist,” “seeker,” “compassionate,” “dedicated”; these and many other words have been used to describe Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr.  Dr. Templeton, former Pediatric Surgeon and Trauma Program Director with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, will be remembered by many for his devotion to his patients, his passion for asking the “big” questions, and his commitment to many worthwhile causes.  During his 28 years as President of the American Trauma Society, Pennsylvania Division Board of Directors, Dr. Templeton helped lay the groundwork for an ever-expanding trauma prevention program in the Commonwealth.  Dr. Templeton was a champion in trauma prevention efforts.  His dedication to preventing needless injuries and deaths resulting from traumatic injuries was unparalleled.  In recognition of Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr., the Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society has elected to honor him by awarding a scholarship award, in his name, to a physician who has displayed a commitment to excellence in trauma care in the following areas: clinical expertise, philanthropy, leadership, trauma-related research and trauma prevention and education.

Click here for full award information.

2024 ATSPA First Responder Call to Action Award:

The Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society has established an award honoring a first responder, a first responder agency or group of agencies who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in response to a trauma incident. The honoree(s) exemplifies the goals of the ATSPA in preventing needless injury and death by his/her (their) quick actions.

Click here for full award information.

2024 ATSPA Trauma Prevention Recognition Award:

The Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society has elected to honor an individual or group who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in trauma prevention. The honoree is someone who exemplifies the goals of ATSPA in preventing needless injury and death.  Nominees can be any individual or group who has shown a determination to excel in trauma prevention. 

Click here for full award information.

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American Trauma Society | Pennsylvania Division | 2 Flowers Drive | Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

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