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Preventing traumatic injuries starts with education. It is this education the American Trauma Society, Pennsylvania Division (ATSPA) works tirelessly to accomplish each day. By working with its community partners, member hospitals and pursuing opportunities with school and youth organizations, the ATSPA is making strides to decrease the number of traumatic injuries in the Commonwealth. 


ATSPA Materials

ATSPA offers a variety of educational materials to its institutional and individual members, as well as community members. On this page you will find pdf versions of each material and links to order the materials of your choosing.

Activity Guides

ATSPA offers a variety of educational activity guides for free download. The public is encouraged to download and print these materials and use them to teach children about various safety topics.

Kids Corner

Looking for a fun, educational activity for your kids or students? We have you covered. This page includes our free games.

Power Point Presentations

As you may expect, this page include safety and prevention power points. Each presentation is packaged to be delivered by anyone and is offered 100% FREE OF CHARGE. They include PowerPoints and notes on a wide variety of topics.

Social Media Resources

These resources are used on ATSPA social media and can be saved for your use as well.


Missed a presentation? Looking for a safety video to share? The "Videos" page is home to all ATSPA videos.

Bike Safety Resources

To see what we offer for bike safety, please click here.

Bleeding Control Resources

Are you looking to purchase bleeding control resources? ATSPA has worked with Bleeding and Boundtree Medical Supplier to purchase bleeding control resources for ATSPA members. To review what you can receive as a member, please click here.


Want to learn more about our educational initiatives? Contact us today. 

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